



Interested in learning more about the Bible? Consider attending our Bible Study. Hosted by our parishioner, Andrew Rispoli, the Bible Study meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m., in the Church Hall. 

We are proud to have our very own St. Joseph Youth Ministry. The youth of our Parish in grades 6th and up are invited to be a part of it! Here you will not only build your faith and relationship with Christ but have lots of fun too! Check out the Youth Ministry web page on our website. Parents/Guardians must complete the sign up form and photo permission form prior to your child joining which also can be found on our website. 

All women of the Parish are invited to the Women's Gathering on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 pm in the Church Hall. Here you will not only build your relationship with Christ but create faith-filled friendships with others. Anne McGovern is the host and can be reached at atm6886@gmail.com

The Knights of Columbus, Council #10627, welcomes men, 18 years and older to sign up to their organization. For more information, please visit www.kofc10627.org.

One of our newest Ministries is called, Living Forward. This Ministry meets every Thursday from 12:30 pm to 4 pm in our Church Hall and is for those who have lost a loved one, spouse, child, friend, and you just would like to meet up, have a cup of coffee/tea, play a board game, cards or go for a walk. For more information, please contact Ginny at vlloyd1228@comcast.net

Made with Love Ministry is formed by those who love to crochet or knit baby blankets for our newly baptized infants, or prayer shawls & lap blankets for the elderly, in the comfort of your own home. Please contact Pam O'Farrell at tompamofarrell@comcast.net

St. Joseph Music Ministry St. Joseph Music Ministry’s primary goal is the active participation of our faith community in our sung liturgy. Our song and instrumentalist ministers are disciples who share faith and express the love of God and neighbor through music. Join our ministry to help spread God’s love through your music. Many people don’t feel they are talented enough but don’t let that feeling stop you from joining and sharing your gifts.  You’ll feel a sense of belonging, make great friends, and grow artistically and spiritually. Contact Dee Savare, Director of Sacred Music at 908 638 4336 or dsavare@hotmail.com.

Our Social Ministry works hard at building community through faith filled and fun events that are held in our Church Hall or on our Church grounds. The Social Ministry also is responsible for getting our Hospitality Sunday ready following each Sunday Mass. If you are interested in helping this Ministry, please contact Anne McGovern at atm6886@gmail.com or Deacon Tom at tmcg8466@gmail.com.

Have you thought about donating to the local food pantry? Every 3rd weekend we have the Food for Families Collection. All non-perishable food and hygiene items are donated to the Open Cupboard Food Pantry in Clinton. The Knights of Columbus will also donate $100 for every 500 lbs. of food collected. You can drop off your donations during Parish Office hours which are Monday through Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm.  

Our Faith Formation program, formerly called CCD, consists of grades 1-9. Grades 1-6 meet at the High Bridge Elementary School on Sundays and grades 7, 8 & 9 meet at St. Joseph Parish on Sundays. For more information, please reach out to Shari Schultz, our Parish Catechetical Leader at stjoesff@gmail.com or call the Parish Office at 908-638-6211.

For more information about any of the above activities, please contact the Parish Office at (908) 638-6211.


Interested in becoming Catholic?

How do I learn more about Catholicism?

If you are interested in finding out more about the Catholic faith, you can explore the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the official summary of our faith.

What if I think I want to become Catholic?

Call the Parish Office at (908) 638-6211 and schedule an appointment with Deacon Steve & Deacon Tom. If you decide that you want to become Catholic, you will participate in a process called the Rite of Christian Initiation, or RCIA as it is sometimes referred to. In RCIA, you will learn about the Catholic Church which is based on Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. 

What does initiation into the Catholic Church involve?

If you have not been baptized, the Catholic Christian initiation process prepares you to become a Catholic through the sacraments of Christian initiation: Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation . If you have been baptized in another Christian community, the initiation process prepares you to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church by celebrating the sacraments of Holy Communion & Confirmation.

I’m a baptized Catholic. Is RCIA for me?

If you have been baptized as an infant, but have not celebrated the sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation, the RCIA program would be appropriate for you. If you are an inactive Catholic, one that has celebrated all the sacraments of initiation and would like to return to active participation in a parish, call the Parish Office and set up an appointment to speak with one of our Deacons.

How long does it take to become Catholic?

The RCIA preparation usually lasts from September to the Easter Vigil Mass.  RCIA candidates for all three sacraments of initiation will be welcomed into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil Liturgy on Holy Saturday.